Saturday, 23 June 2012

Mass Media Writing Formats

I just spent a gruelling weekend writing a Screenplay, Double Column Script for Television and a Audio Script for Radio.  All I had to work with was a movie and limitations.  As I learned so will you.

The featured video today is Kissing Cousins. 
A "relatively" romantic comedy about a professional heartbreaker (and cynical bachelor) who teams up with his attractive cousin from the UK in order to fool his friends into believing he is capable of a relationship.

I adapted scenes two and three of this movie into the three formats mentioned using:

  1. Celtx; a free, media pre-production software 
  2. Screen-writing guidelines explaining how the different elements of a Screenplay are used
  3.  Double Column scriptwriting guidelines with Camera shots angles and movements.
  4. Audioplay (for radio) scriptwriting guidelines with writing for the ear pointers.

Essentially, I blindly walked into the project like the first day I went driving a Manual Transmission vehicle after only reading about the principles (true story--bad outcome).  It is fantastic to have the theory but hands-on, practical work is where you find out how much you have really learned.  I encourage everyone who wants to write for media to not just read about but do it!

Just a break down of how I went about adapting the two scenes to the different script formats:

* Adapting across media from audio/visual to audio is really difficult and takes diligence to remain true to the story being conveyed.  It spent 4 hours doing just this.
* Shot composition takes time due to changing shots for almost every sentence of dialogue.  People move a lot and the audience is always curious to to see general set layout as well as facial nuances.  Her went another 4 hours.
* Putting into words all that is seen and heard takes care and attention to detail.  I spent 2 hours just transcribing the scenes.

That makes a combined total of approximately 10 hours spent on 2 minutes worth of footage.

Here is the movie Kissing Cousins.  I scripted the scenes from Amir walking down the hallways in his apartment building until he woke in bed the next morning (3:21--5:21). 


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